Saturday, March 30, 2013

The importance and purposes of parenting.

Which parent is a child better without?? The mom or the dad?

I originally had a huge list of insights from class, but for some reason it deleted those insights that I had put on this page.
From what I remember about them, we discussed parenting and different ways to parent

Polite request
Firm request
I message- "I feel this way when this happens"
Logical consequence

Children are interesting creatures, and if they are treated with respect, they will also give back respect. The best way to teach them that is through showing them what they need to be doing. Children copy what their parents do. So why would any parent want to teach them things that really don't matter or silly habits that they have. It is important to do you best to be the best you when you are around your children, because they pick up on those silly things that you wouldn't think they do.

Friday, March 22, 2013

No success can compensate for failure in the home.

I never realized the importance of mothers being in the home until we discussed the negative effects of a mother working outside the home. My mother was always in the home and I wouldn't trade that for the world, because there is just something about having my mother home, but I didn't realize that there really are many negative sides to it. Of course some mothers have to work in order for their children to really be able to have a good life, but if at all possible mothers should not work outside of the home. In no way does a woman trade her brain for a mop when she decides to stay home and raise her children. Children are the next generation, why not do our best to make sure that they are the best they can be? We always say that we want better for our kids than we got, and I honestly believe having a mother in the home if possible is the best way.
Children learn so much in the home. Yes of course they learn a lot in school, but more of what is learned is retained when they are in a more comfortable and familiar place as they learn. Being a mother can be one of the most rewarding jobs. The importance of learning in the home is something that I didn't realize as much until learning it in this class. It's no wonder the church stresses teaching in the home so much.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

This week was a very interesting week for me. Communication in a marriage is absolutely key to having success especially with the family, so learning about different problems in communication was something that I find to be super helpful especially for the future. It is amazing how something as simple as a tone or body language can communicate so much to someone. I like to think that I am pretty good at reading a person's body language, but I'm sure that I have a hard time really hiding how I feel especially with my body language. But in a marriage, body language and tone can do a lot. We also discussed the counsel method and how that can create some real unity in a family. This class has really changed my own personal paradigm.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

For me it was very interesting to learn about different stressors to the family. My family has had to go through hard times as much as any others, but it was very interesting to see the different ways that people react to different circumstances. I also was very interested in what we learned about the way that people use drugs and alcohol to handle that stress, but that doesn't mean that it really does anything productive. Although my family has struggled through the years, I feel like we have handled stress pretty well considering the kinds of things that we went through. My mom has been sick for several years, and my dad is going back to school and working full time, so the stress on the children to really help out around the house was great, but it taught us things we never would have learned otherwise and I am grateful for all that we learned through those crisises.